Big Chico Creek CEQA
BCRCD is the lead agency for a 1500-acre fuels reduction and forest health project in upper Big Chico Creek watershed. This project is a collaboration between Butte County Fire Safe Council, CSUC's Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, and several local landowners. This CEQA document will support partial implementation of a Forest Management Plan, also to be developed by BCRCD, covering 7,500 acres of the watershed.
Read and download the document (IS/MND) here:
Big Chico Creek Forest Health Restoration Project Draft IS-MND 04162020(1).pdfView the Notice of Completion here:
BCC FHRP Notice of Completion 04162020.pdfView the Notice of Intent to Adopt an MND here:
Big Chico Creek FHRP Notice of Intent to Adopt a MND 04162020.pdf
Agencies and members of the public are welcome to submit comments. The 30-day public comment period ends May 19, 2020. You can submit a comment here.
Or, email your comments directly to
Or, mail your comments to:
Butte County Resource Conservation District
150 Chuck Yeager Way, Ste. A
Oroville, CA 95965