Butte County Trails Plan Is Here!
Trails-based recreation keeps us healthy, it drives local economic development, and it's a Butte County way of life. For these reasons, the 2030 Butte County General Plan called for the development of a Trails Plan. Now, in collaboration with local land managers, the County of Butte, trail user groups and the public, Butte County Resource Conservation District (BCRCD) has developed and released the Butte County Trails Plan. This Plan is the result of over two years of public input, plus feedback from County staff, the Board of Supervisors, and the Coordinating Committee. It identifies current trail resources, future needs, opportunities for new trail development and funding, and steps ordinary people can take to improve local trails. The heart of the document is an Action Plan addressing the five main themes identified in the process: maintenance, public outreach, new project implementation, information resources, and cultivating trail champions.

The Trails Plan was developed by a working group composed of trail users - representing OHV riders, hikers, equestrians, mountain bikers and trail runners - plus U.S. Forest Service, County staff, and elected officials. It also incorporated the results of the 2017-18 Butte County Trails Survey.
BCRCD thanks everyone who got involved in the process, whether you filled out a survey, sent in your favorite trail photo, or attended public meetings every month for years. Our county is blessed with a strong culture of volunteering and some tirelessly dedicated trail champions. The Trails Plan is truly a framework for continued collaboration so that future generations can enjoy a diverse and challenging trails system, built with respect for all users and for the land.
You can read the Trails Plan here:
Butte County Trails Plan.pdf