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Butte Creek House Ecological Reserve Meadow Restoration

The Butte County Resource Conservation District (BCRCD) has been facilitating restoration work on a California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)-owned reserve.  Although this meadow has been impacted by historical grazing, CDFW-led efforts to build exclusionary fencing and install log weirs (shown in the photo below) have helped prevent further channel incision. However, many of these weirs were damaged in the 2021 Dixie Fire and require maintenance to continue slowing flows and spreading water.

To address this, the project takes a hybrid approach to restoration, combining process-based techniques—such as beaver dam analogs and post-assisted log structures—with form-based methods like rocked cross vanes.

Wetlands with tall grass and wooden posts, a forested hill in the background under a bright blue sky with clouds.
Reinforcement of existing weir structures.


People clearing debris and branches near a pond in a forested area.
Crew members from Symbiotic Restoration installing a scour apron on one of the process-based structures.