"Helping People Help The Land"...
...That's the motto of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Part of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the NRCS often asks BCRCD for help assisting local landowners, especially farmers and ranchers, to conserve soil, water, air, and biodiversity. NRCS is not a regulator. It just provides practical as well as financial help to farmers and ranchers who ask for it. Through contracts with NRCS, your Butte County RCD helps millions of dollars of NRCS money flow into Butte County each year to plant cover crops, improve sprinkler systems, upgrade stock tanks, replace dirty tractors with cleaner ones, plant hedgerows for pollinators, flood fields for sandhill cranes, and manage brush in fields and forestlands. To find out if you qualify for help, call the NRCS Oroville office at (530) 534-0112.