Reforestation Guidelines For The Ridge
Better than anyone, Paradise residents know that simply putting the forest back the way it was before the fire is not "recovery". The next forest needs to be more fire-resilient than the last one, which means it needs to be:
- Less dense
- More oaks,
- Ready for a warmer, drier climate
In 2018-19, BCRCD's Forest Health Watershed Coordinators worked with CAL FIRE, the Town of Paradise, UCD climate scientists, local gardening experts, and local registered professional foresters to develop fire-smart and climate-smart planting recommendations Paradise landowners can follow. The result is this map and simple 2-page planting guide.
Click here to download the replanting guide as PDFP.S. You can also access tons of resources on planting oaks, diagnosing which trees will survive, erosion control and more at our "Fire Recovery Resources for Landowners" page.

If you'd like to support BCRCD's reforestation work with a tax-deducatible donation, click here to give to the BCRCD Tree Planting Fund, a 501(c)3 charity under the care of the North Valley Community Foundation.