Butte Forests Plan is Complete!
The Butte Forested Watersheds Plan ("Butte Forests Plan" for short) is our local forest health community's collaborative vision for "the next forest." Summarizing the three years of forest health collaboration since the Camp Fire, it was compiled by BCRCD from the input of 40+ partners/stakeholders/governments. It provides a road map for how to reach our vision of a healthy and resilient landscape.
It is:
- a record of our subregion's collective intentions for what we want Butte area forests to look like, summarized in 10 consensus forest health goals
- A road map for how we will accomplish our goals, broken out into 32 key actions. Many of these key actions are already being implemented
- A documentation of our subregion's capacity gaps
- An estimate of the actual pace and scale of investment needed to restore our forests
- A program of work for restoring and maintaining Butte area forests, forever
- A useful foundation for strategic planning for local forest health organizations and the Butte County Collaborative
- An orientation document for those just joining us. Bring your laptop, your prism, and your drip torch and come help us birth a new culture of resilience in the rural Sierra Nevada/Cascades!
Funded through a Forest Health Watershed Coordinator grant awarded by the California Department of Conservation. Thanks to our Forest Health Watershed Coordinator Wolfy Rougle for pulling the plan together, and most of all THANKS TO EVERYONE IN THE BUTTE COUNTY FOREST HEALTH COMMUNITY who made the time to contribute at countless meetings, phone calls, Zooms and Teams, on hundreds of email threads, and out on the land.
Download the Plan right here!