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Natural Resource Conservation Service - Environmental Quality Incentives Program

The BCRCD assists the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) with site visits, inventory, data entry, and creation of management plans used for their Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). EQIP provides assistance for agricultural producers and forest landowners. A variety of treatments can be administered through EQIP. For forest landowners, relevant treatments may include brush management, forest stand improvement, pruning, planting, and prescribed burning. Landowners enrolled in the EQIP will pay for all upfront costs incurred. The EQIP program reimburses landowners for a portion of incurred costs.

For more information navigate to the EQIP page on the NRCS website using this link.

Two people in a field with lush green bushes and bare trees against a clear blue sky.
NRCS and BCRCD Forestry Techs conducting inventory.